As the Society grew, we began to find that we were not able to keep everybody informed as to what we were doing and what was going on in Belgravia. Sara Oliver, one of our Committee members, suggested that we send out a newsletter. It was a great idea and, as we began to distribute it digitally, it became apparent that it was very popular.
The newsletter became monthly and, as we progressed with much more content, we decided that it should take the form of a magazine. The Magazine is sent digitally, and our members give their time, without charge, to prepare its content, so that we keep the costs down to an absolute minimum. We do have to cover the costs for design and IT input, however, and rely on donations to cover these costs. If you enjoy the Magazine, you might consider a donation (see our “Donate” page).
The Magazine is free to our members. The content relates to information on local events, information on the latest developments, details of consultations and information so members can give their views. We also cover matters of general interest to members, as well as help information. We like to support our articles with high quality photos. We invite members to contribute their own material to the Magazine.
Please do take the opportunity of reading our Magazine, and back issues from 2019 to date, which are listed for you to open.